Family Road Trip Planner
We have taken many many family road trips over the years. Never did I think that I needed a planner. That was until we started taken multiple family road trips, in the same year. That is when I decided that I needed a family road trip planner to help with all the chaos in my brain. And to keep track of everything, for every trip.
I have created the perfect family road trip planner. It’s over 40 pages long and has so many pages to help with the planning process, keeping track of where you are staying and when, oh, and of course, games… lots and lots of games!

What is a family road trip planner
This planner is a physically printable planner that you print out to help you plan and execute your family road trip. The planner is over 40 pages and 20 of those pages are games and journaling prompts.
There’ll be a couple pages that will house all your accommodations info and all your research. The planner also has 2 types of menu calendars for you to fill in, if needed. One that starts on Monday and one that starts on Sunday. You choose which one will work for you. There is a budget page, activities itinerary and checklists galore. You know, so you don’t forget someone’s Nintendo Switch or phone charger!
Why a planner and not an app
Apps are wonderful resources to have. We all have lots of them on our devices. Using an app to help do research and plan your trip may not be possible for you. I say do what is best for you, not what I think is best for me. There are great apps out there to help with planning a family road trip. I heard Roadtrippers is a great one. You can use some features for free, but then you’ll have to pay an annual rate.
I use the planner to plan my actual trip, make notes about my research, plan stops along the way, meal plan and a bunch of other things. Also the planner will house all your accommodations. I’m not sure one app can do all that. 😉
How to use the planner
In the planner, there 5 planning pages. Planning is such a HUGE part of a successful road trip. You need pages to write down all your research, activities and ideas that come you across. Having these pages in the planner is super convenient and better organized than on scrap pieces of paper and/or a gazillion notebooks. 😉
Then there are 7 pages to actually planning the trip. Pages like route mapping, activity details, accommodations, itinerary and a daily planner page that you can print out as many times as needed.
There are 6 pages of packing lists. # pages already filled out for you and 3 pages that are blank for you to fill in what your family needs.
The next page is my favorite, an outfit planner! Some days you might be going for a hike and some days you might be going to do touristy attractions and then you might be having a date night, or attending a wedding. The page won’t help you pick out those outfits, it will help you keep them organized so you don’t forget which day you are wearing what outfit.
The remaining 20 pages are journaling prompts and games to play while in the car or having any down time between each activity.
Quick tips on how to make the planner work for you
- Scan the first 23 pages. See what you need, what will work, what checklists you’ll use.
- Print out what you think you will need. If you use the outfit planner, no need to waste ink and print that page out.
- Pages 24-44 are games, journaling pages, and places for you to fill in about your trip. What pages will the family actually use?
- Don’t get overwhelmed by the size of the planner. Go through it slowly and have fun planning your family road trip
Frequently Asked Questions

Wrapping up the family road trip planner
Are you planning a family road trip? Than this family road trip planner is for you! Quick take-a-ways from above:
- The planner is over 40 pages.
- It is going to make your family road trip planning so much more organized.
- There are so many checklists in the planner.
- There are camping games to play in the back of the planner as well.
- This is digital download, nothing will be mailed.
The planner is going to help make this next family road trip a memorable one!
Happy trails!