Best Backyard Gifts for Kids
We have an awesome list of the best backyard gifts for kids. We have tried or have most of them. These would be great gifts for a family or for your own family! We love to play outside and use our imagination during play. These gifts would promote all of that as well as getting the kids crazies out!
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Best backyard gifts for kids
Here is the list, in no particular order…
Who doesn’t love a hammock?! This one comes in multiple colors and is highly rated on Amazon. The large one holds up to 500 pounds. Perfect for a couple of kids. It’s super quick to set up and all the pieces fit nicely in the tiny bag!
Dome Climber
Dome climbers are super fun. They are like monkey bars, but way more fun. You can climb on top of the dome or under the dome. This one comes in a few colors. Which will change the price, so keep an eye out for that. My one caveat is to routinely check the knobs, as they sometimes come loose from being played on so much.
Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course
Ninja Warrior Courses are!!! If you have a couple of good trees or a sturdy deck this would be great to assemble in the backyard. There are so many games you can make up to play with this. (Like the floor is lava) For our kids this is better than a wooden playset. But we have older kids too.
I know most kids already have a trampoline. So many parents see the benefits of them. Like telling the kids to go outside and get their crazies out. What better way than to jump on the trampoline for an hour! This one comes with a ladder!! which is awesome. Especially for the little ones who need a boost or a running start! I have assembled and taken down our trampoline by myself. It does take much longer when it’s only one person but doable.
Zipline for Kids
We love ziplines. Most places in Colorado don’t allow little ones to go on them. BUT if you have one at home…. so much more fun. Everyone can enjoy flying through the air!
Saucer Swing
Saucer swings are like tire swings. The only downfall is you can’t pile a bunch of kids on this swing like you can on a tire swing. BUT if you are thinking safety first, then this is probably better. The net in the middle allows your kiddo to sit with their legs crossed then they can hold onto the ropes. We’ve gotten all 3 kids on there, it is a tight squeeze.
Backyard Sprinkler
Every kiddo loves a backyard sprinkler. This one wobbles and sprays all crazy like. We’ve had our fair share of backyard sprinklers. We love the ones that are unpredictable with a chance of getting sprayed in the face.
This sandbox is on the fancy side. But it is so nice! It has cedar sides, that don’t splinter. And it can hold up to 800 pounds of sand! (The sand is not included) It’s much bigger than the little green turtle that is ever so popular. That means more dump trucks can fit in the sandbox!
Sand Digger
How fun would this be in the sandbox?! My boys LOVE playing with the sand digger. If you don’t have a sandbox and you have a corner of the yard that isn’t being utilized…this would be perfect there. We live in Colorado and a lot of people have rocks for “grass” in their yard. If you have rocks too, this would be a great addition.
Swurfers are so much fun. The kids have a hard time taking turns with this one. So a swurfer is a swing that you stand on. It has handlebars, that are attached to ropes, that you hold onto. It can also be used as a swing. The ropes are much better than the plastic ropes that are on baby swings! This rope won’t fray and lasts longer!
DIY Rock Climbing Holds Set
The possibilities are endless with a DIY Rock Wall. I have seen so many creative places that people have put their rock wall. Most are in the basement along an outside wall or outside along a walkout basement wall. Pinterest has some amazing ideas for DIY rock walls.
How fun would this be in your backyard?! Did you ever play this at school? I did and was horrible at it! When my daughter went to elementary school they had this on the playground. They weren’t allowed to play it much. Boo! This one twists or screws into the ground to help stabilize it.
Volleyball, Badminton and Pickleball Set
This would be so fun in the backyard. We’ve played all these sports but not at home and not in the backyard. This is basically a 3 in 1 game set. The net is versatile for pickleball and volleyball. The set comes with everyone you need for some fun family games in the backyard.
Soccer Goals
This is a 2 pack of goals. The soccer goals can be taken down in 2 steps and brought back inside to be stored. The smaller nets come with a carrying bag. The 2 larger ones do not. We recommend getting the 2 pack of goals. We made the mistake of only getting one and the kids couldn’t play against each other the way they did at soccer practice.
Your family would love one of these backyard gifts. No matter what your budget is, there is a gift for you. If you would like more inspiration for some gift ideas, I have listed a couple below for you.
**Related Post: The Best Outdoor Adventure Books for Kids
**Related Post: The Best Outdoor Adventure Gifts for Kids
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