Why is it awesome to camp in the fall?
Our favorite time of year to go camping is the fall! Hands down without a doubt, we love to camp in the fall.
There are so many reasons to camp in the fall, but we’ve chosen our top favorites.
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7 reasons to camp in the fall

Less bugs!
Let’s be honest and say that the worst part of camping is the bugs! We even camped at 11,000 feet in elevation and the mosquitos were relentless!!! How can they even breathe that high up?? I could hardly breathe.
Bugs are everywhere, no matter where you go. BUT… in the fall… they disappear and you can have an enjoyable dinner outside without the big spray, citronella candles, homemade bug diffusers and whatever else you brought to get rid of the bugs.
Temperature is starting to cool off
Oh the crisp cool air is another big favorite of camping in the fall. Well… depending on where you go. Florida and Texas only have one season, SUMMER! 😉 But if you camp anywhere else you’ll most likely experience a drop in temperature. It’s such a relief when you have been sweating all summer long!
Less crowded
Campgrounds used to be less crowded during the fall months. We have found that since COVID, this isn’t too much of the case any more. BUT if you can camp in the middle of the week after Labor Day, then the campground might be less crowded than the weekend.
Unless you camp at a state park, then it’s always crowded. Our secret has been compromised! 😉
**Related Post: Where to RV camp in the fall

Rates are usually lower
Again if you are staying at a state park, this isn’t the case. They have a set price all year long.
Private campgrounds usually lower their prices after Labor Day. Or at about October, if they are still open.
But rates aren’t as cheap as they used to be (nothing is anymore). The prices that you knew before COVID are no longer the norm. If you haven’t checked fall prices in awhile, they might not be as low as you remember.
You can find a fall festival anywhere. But if you want to go apple picking in the crisp fall air, but you live in South Florida, then you are going to hunt for a fantastic fall festival.
My sister did this one year. (She lives in S. Florida) She wanted her little boy to experience apple picking, pumpkin painting, costume contests…all the fall feels. So she searched high and low for the most fabulous fall festival. Once she found the festival she booked her stay near the event.

Oh the beautiful fall colors! People even chase the colors down the east coast. That is something I would like to do one day.
The kids and I try to find fall leaves that are as big as our faces. One year our oldest son was playing soccer in a nearby town. This field had the biggest leaves we’d ever seen. They were bigger than our faces!
I send my Florida family pictures of the fall colors because they don’t get to see trees in their most beautiful state.
Yes I know you can have a campfire any time. BUT in the fall… you are not sweating, or swatting off bugs. You can sit there and toast your marshmallows and your toes. A campfire on a chilly evening is so much better than a summer evening, when all you want to do is shower because you haven’t stopped sweating all day.
**Related Post: Tips for RV camping in the fall
So why is it awesome to camp in the fall… Less bugs! That’s it! I’m kidding.
We think camping in the fall is the best way to explore the outdoors. It’s more enjoyable when you don’t have bugs bothering you, you’re not sweating profusely and the trail isn’t super crowded.
And the campground is usually less busy, rates are a little better, the festivals are super fun and the fall colors are breathtaking!
What is your favorite time of year to go camping?