Camping Gifts For Kids for 2023
Do we have a great list of camping gifts for kids for you today! There are so many ideas below that you are bound to walk away with a great camping gift idea for your favorite kiddos.
I broke down the camping gifts for kids into 2 main parts. Part one are the camping gift for kids and the second part is the camping gifts for tweens and teens. Because… there are a few things that might be more enjoyable by the older kids that aren’t for the younger ones.
Then the I broke down the camping gifts for kids section into several categories to help you decided what type of camping gift you are looking for. I hope this helps you navigate the website and lists better.
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Camping Gifts For Kids – 2023
This section is geared toward your younger kiddos under the age of about 10ish… maybe younger and maybe older. I know, a lot of help, right.
Camping Gifts For Kids – Toys and games
Slappy Camper Game
This game has been on my radar for quite some time. It’s a 2-4 player game that requires you to slap your marshmallow stick on camping cards that you want to pack with you on your trip. A great game to play at camp.
Would You Rather Campfire Edition
We have this book. My oldest got it in her monthly book box. My kids love “would you rather” questions and frequently make up their own. This is a great edition to our camping book library. There is even a little spin-off game to play; Try not to laugh challenge. There are 3 types of questions, “would you rather”, “this or that”, and “which is worse”.
They have several other editions to the book… Camping joke book, Road trip edition, Teen edition, Animal challenge, and Eww Edition. As well as Christmas editions too… Kids vs Adults, Stocking stuffer edition, and Christmas jokes every kid should know.
Army Dudes
We have a TON of army guys. They go on all camping trips. And most make it home. These dudes go great with Jeeps and trucks.
Trucks, Jeeps and Bronco toys
We probably have every Bass Pro truck and Jeep toy they have. Ok maybe not, but it sure feels like it. My boys have LOTS of trucks and Jeeps that go on adventures with us. I have included a couple links for Bass Pro that you can check out. We even have the Technic Lego Jeep, it has been on many adventures with us too, and has held up GREAT! (I have no idea how we’ve never lost a part!)
Ring Toss
This is a fun game. My kids like horse shoes and this is sort of like it. The picture can be deceiving. This looks like it might be large enough for adults to play, it’s not. The rings are about the size of your hand. So this is definitely for kids. And the wooded pegs aren’t large. I would say about ages 3-6.
Reusable water balloons
These are NOT messy. You don’t have to follow your kid to make sure that they picked up all the balloon pieces. They are pricey, but you keep filling them up and keep using them. And did I mention No Mess?!
Ladder Ball
This is for bigger kids. My boys are a little wild and don’t always make it around the ladder. So we have everyone stand back to give enough elbow room. It comes together and breaks down super fast. And the balls aren’t hard like tennis balls.
Frisbees or Flyer Rings
We have dollar store frisbees and they are super light weight. The dog likes them more than the kids. These Flyer Rings are super light weight as well. They are a bit flimsy though. But easy for little hands to grab. They might work better for adults with the ring toss mentioned above. 😉
Fisher Price Little People Camper
We’ve had our little people camper for about 10 years, maybe longer. It’s not the same exact one above but it’s close. My boys loved this toy. They even added army dudes and other figurines to the mix so they could keep playing with it. A great toy for your camping kiddo.
Barbie Camper
I loved Barbie as a kid. I would have LOVED this camper when I was a kid. All the kids loved any camper toy that we could find. If you have a kiddo in your life that loves Barbie and they love camping… this might be a perfect toy.
Lego Camper
Another camper toy. I’m pretty sure we have 2 of this one. Amazon also has a Beach Camper Van that looks pretty awesome too.

Our Generation Camper
The kids LOVED this toy. (Ours was silver not pink, which is probably why my kids liked it. If we had the pink one, it probably wouldn’t have gotten played with as much) My boys would play hide-n-seek in it. No it’s not that big but both boys would squeeze themselves in it to “try” and hide. Such a great toy. When our daughter out grew it, we gave it to a friend and her kiddo LOVED it as much as my kids did.
Giant bubble kit
This requires some room to run around in. If you are in the backyard, perfect. If you are at the campsite that is within arms length of your neighbor, this may not be a good spot for this. It’s fun and kids can get competitive with whos bubble is the biggest. But essentially, it’s like a jump rope you dip in a bucket and run with to make the bubble. Lots of fun though!
Spot It Camping Edition
Spot it, Camping Edition is fun. We play it at home and in the car on the way to camp. My youngest will even play it by himself. The kids will play against each other as well.
Camp, the board game
We have the travel edition for this game. The game goes quick. The game has levels so it can be played by the whole family. The questions do get a little tricky as the levels get higher. Great game for the whole family.
Glow in the dark rock painting kit
We have the regular rock painting kit. We’ve used it all up and have placed many painted rocks in campgrounds, state parks and local parks. But having the rocks GLOW IN THE DARK, takes this to the next level! Such a fun idea to add to an already fun activity to do as a family.
Camping Gifts For Kids- Gear
Triceratops Headlamp
This one is super cute. Amazon also has a unicorn kids headlamp as well. But if your kiddo isn’t into dinosaurs or unicorns, then maybe a regular kids headlamp will do.
Explorer Vest
The one we have has been worn by all 3 kids. And my oldest wore it all.the.time. She loves animals so that was her Zookeeper vest when she was playing dress up. if you can’t find one you like on Amazon, I’m pretty sure Cabela’s has some as well. (We like that store too)
These sunglasses come in many different sizes and SO.MANY.COLORS! And they are rubber, so they won’t fall apart! These are polarized to help with sun protection and make the kids feel grown up because they have sunglasses like you do. 😉
Water bottle and stickers
We have 6 Thermoflask water bottles. Two 40 ounce and four 16 ounce bottles. But to give a kiddo just a water bottle might not sound fun, but add in some stickers… now they can personalize the bottle! They have sssoooo many to choose from. Minecraft, Mario Brothers, animals, girly, and teens.
These are ‘birding’ binoculars, but they are small enough for a child. The kids binoculars that you can buy aren’t that great quality. As we found out in our recent Yellowstone trip. The boys were having a hard time seeing the animals that were further away. My oldest has birding binoculars and they are so much better then the boys “kid” ones. So we recommend these.
If your kiddo has a serious interest in birding or watching for animals, we recommend a bit more expensive pair of binoculars. The ones we have, are no longer available on Amazon. But these are a higher power than what we have. And the ones we have are amazing! I can spot a Grizzly Bear on a mountain super fast with the binoculars I have. So this one will be better!
We have had our fair share of cheapy compasses. We’ve had so many! Now, each of my kids have one that actually works and points North! The boys have tried to catch leaves on fire with the magnified glass on this compass. They have yet to succeed.
Kid Lantern
We RV camp, and the kids usually aren’t outside without us in the dark, with the bears. BUT… they do have bunks and would totally hang these in their bunks. But if you have a kiddo that tent camps or wants a lantern in their bunk, this would be a fun gift.
Water shoes
Water shoes have some such a long way. My kids all have these. They are super cute and come in sssooo many designs. These only go up to size Big Kid 3. These start at mens 3-4. So if you have a kiddo whos shoes size is over a 3, check out the adult water shoes.
Camelbak Mini MULE water backpack
We do not have these. We carry water bottles. Or I should say I carry all the water bottles. This would help me out more than them. I wouldn’t have to carry their water, they could. This one is fun because it has a design on it. Most are just a plain color. These are about $30-$50, so not cheap like a water bottle, but it helps mom out!
Quikshade Chair
I have a kid who melts in the sun. No joke he is looking for a shady spot on every trail, every sidewalk, at every moment when he’s outside. So… this chair would be great for him. But we have an awning on our camper that he hides under. Or if that isn’t good, he’ll find a tree to move his chair under. He has a radar for shade.
Camping Gifts For Kids- Gear for play
We have this exact hammock. We’ve used it so many times while camping. All 3 of my kids fit on the hammock at the same time. We have the orange one above in a large. It’s very easy to hang up and easier to put away. Yep, not a typo, it’s super easy to roll up and stuff back in the bag, WITH the straps.
Walkie Talkies
These are really neat. They are walkie talkies with flashlights built it! Super fun! They also have a lot of channels to minimized picking up someone else’s conversation. If you think your kiddo would rather have adult walkie talkies we have these Midland ones that we use. We’ve used them inside Yellowstone with no problems, while driving on the highways and inside State Parks. We’ve had them for several years with no problems at all.
Slackline kit
These are fun. We don’t have any trees in our backyard that we could use this at home. BUT… at camp, oh yea! (As long as there isn’t a policy about hanging things on trees, that happens sometimes) This one is for kids and adults. Weight limit is 300 pounds.
Fishing Pole
This is the fishing pole that we have. You may not want a regular one. If you are looking for a kids one, we have this one too, but Spiderman. So far, they have not broken. Our youngest likes the kids one that lights up. Our older kids, don’t want that and they need a good fishing pole that will withstand a couple bumps, drops and accidently being stepped on. So far, so good. 😉
Hiking poles for kids
Our kids would rather use sticks. They truly love to hunt for the largest stick and use it as their hiking pole. If your kiddo would rather use poles than sticks, this might be a great gift for your kiddo.
Camping Gifts For Kids- Campfire
Hot Cocoa Mugs
On a crisp fall evening around the campfire, hot cocoa hits the spot. When you order them you can have your kiddos name written on it. And they are dishwasher safe. I wouldn’t put the mug in the microwave to warm up the hot cocoa. The mugs are stainless steal.
Mystical Fire Color Changing Packets
These are super neat. You throw a packet into the campfire and watch the flames change colors! So much fun.
S’mores making kit
This is great idea. All you have to do is buy the kit and bring it back to camp. We first saw this in Jackson, WY while we were at the grocery store and thought that it was perfect. but then 4 out of 5 like our s’mores with dark chocolate bars and not milk chocolate. So we passed, but man is it super convenient!
Glow in the dark marshmallow roasting sticks
This is a fun idea. How many times have you walked by the fire to only accidently knock over someone’s stick that you didn’t see laying against the fire ring? I know I’ve done that many time. Glow in the dark sticks would have prevented that.
Camping Gifts For Tweens And Teens – 2023
Polaroid Camera
I know I know, your kiddo probably already has a phone that has a camera, so why get them another camera. But does your kiddo print their photos from their phone? Probably not. This will allow them to take the picture and the photo instantly prints out. Super fun to take a bunch of pictures from the trip and make a scrapbook or collage to hang up in their room.
Corn Hole
This one is portable and not made out of wood. That can be good and bad. Good because you just fold it all up and pack it away in the camper of car. Bad because it’s not made as sturdy and might not hold up as well as the wood ones.
Zoom Ball Hydro
Zoom Ball Hydro is like regular Zoom ball (Zip ball, same thing) but with water balloons inside. It says ages 8+. I imagine because there is a chance that the water balloons could break close to your face and that might startle younger kids. The wider you spread your arms that faster the ball goes. Fun outside game on a hot day.
Happy Camper travel bag
Isn’t this cute?! Tweens and teens need to carry “stuff” with them camping too. This is a cute bag for them to put their things in to take with them camping.
Camp Hair don’t care apparel
A pony tail hat is a must while camping. There is a good chance that our hair isn’t washed so the hat would help keep it looking nice. Or a super cute shirt with a messy bun on it might be a good gift. Or maybe a funny camping shirt would work better. There are so many to choose from.
Metal Detector
These can get expensive. This kids one is about $40. But there are others that are more expensive. If you have a kiddo that loves to find treasures this might be a great gift for them.
We have had our fair share of telescopes over the years. These too can get pricey. This one is specifically for kids. It might be fun to add an astrology book to go along with the telescope so your favorite kiddo knows what to look for.
Outdoor Survival kit
There are so super cool survival kits out there. They even have a pink one if your kiddo likes pink. This one has even more gadgets if you think your kiddo would like that. Or how about a survival book? So many fun options
Pocket knife
I’m pretty sure my middle son was like 7 when he got his first one. But the good ones are a little pricey. My dad carried around a leatherman every single day. To him that was the ultimate pocket knife. But those are cheap either.
Paracord Bracelets
The only reason I put these down here with the tweens/teens section is because of the size of the bracelet. These don’t adjust small enough to fit a small kiddos wrist. And even a kiddo who is 10 might not be able to fit in the bracelet. So keep that in mind when buying these. They are SUPER cool though!
Camping Gifts For Kids- Books
I have a couple posts already written about camping books for kids and adventure books for kids. You can check them out below.
Related Post: Camping books for kids
Related Post: Best adventure books for kids
Wrapping up camping gift ideas for 2023
Good gravy I gave you a TON of camping gift ideas for kids, tweens and teens.
Save this post. You’ll want to refer back to it every time you need a camping gift idea.
I hope you enjoyed our list of fantastic camping gifts for kids. What was your favorite? Or what would you add to the list?