Fun ways to countdown until your next trip
Who’s ready to go camping?! Let me show you a couple fun ways to countdown until your next camping trip!
It’s January and cold. We are looking forward to our next trip. We like to do some sort of countdown to any type of fun event coming up.
We’ve made all kinds of countdowns in the past… homeschool days, summer break, New Years Eve, family members coming to visit us, big trips, small trips… so why not make a fun countdown until our next camping trip!?

Depending on when your next trip is, will depend on the length and/or the creativity of your countdown calendar. If your Disney trip is in 375 days….making a paper chain countdown might not be a good idea. But there is an app for that!
Fun ways to countdown until your next trip

Chalkboard Countdown
This cute chalkboard easel I picked up at Dollar Tree. It was in the aisle that isn’t a dollar! I think it was about $3. Additional items I needed were, some letters that came from Hobby Lobby and I printed the numbers from my computer. I had the mini clothes pin that I picked up in the Dollar Spot at Target years ago. I just hot glued them onto the chalkboard. Then I wrote on the chalkboard with the kid’s sidewalk chalk. Nothing too fancy here but it turned out super cute!
Most of us have made a paper chain at least once in our childhood. I’m sure you are familiar with how they work. But in case your memory needs a little nudge… Paper chains are 1 inch by 6 inch strips of paper that you interlock together, to make a chain. They are usually about 20-30 links long and are great for counting down days until a fun event will take place. If you have a trip coming up in a couple weeks this type of countdown would be great.
Wall calendar
Regular wall calendars that you have hanging in your kitchen or office work great! As the days go by just “X” out each square to countdown to your fun event.

Printable vacation countdown
A printable is always an easy peasy option. Find one you like online and print it out. Hang it on the fridge and everyone can take turns coloring, “X”ing or crossing off each day as y’all countdown until your next trip.
A daily surprise bag
This may only work if you are taking the kids on a surprise trip (that is in a couple days) and they don’t know where yet. Each day give them a paper bag. Inside the bag will have a clue to where they will be going. It can be a gift that you wrap and give them, like earbuds for a plane ride. Or even as simple as a picture of a train that could be a hint to Silver Dollar City.

Homemade Poster
Last year we took a long trip to Florida for Christmas. That is where all my family lives and where I grew up. It’s been many years since we visited, so we made the trip. The kids and I got a poster board and basically made a calendar. The kids colored in the squares as the days went by.
**Related: RV camping menu plan
Bonus Ideas…
Campfire Travelers has a few more ideas on how to countdown until your next camping trip with kids. She has some really good ideas, like books to read, movies to watch and some fun ways to plan, if you’d like a few more.
Wrap up
I hope you got a couple ideas on how to countdown until your next trip. If you need more ideas, I hope you check out Campfire Travelers as they have some really good ideas too. Safe Travels.