8 Best Kid Friendly Stops at Garden of the Gods
We have put together a list of the 8 best kid friendly stops at Garden of the Gods. This list is written by our kids. We have stopped at every parking lot and have hiked almost every trail in the park.
Below is a list of the 8 stops and then there are 2 bonus stops as well. With each stop listed there is a detailed description of the stop and why we think it’s one of the best.
**Related post: What to do at Garden of the Gods with kids
Best Kid Friendly Stops at Garden of the Gods

Perkins Trail- P2 Parking lot
This is the first main parking lot once you pass the Visitor’s center and enter into the park. You’ll pass White Rock on the left, then P2 lot will be on the left once you go around the corner.
This lot is usually full. You might need to circle the parking lot a few times to find a spot. Once you do, check out the Geocache that is hidden. Then take a walk on the paved Perkins Trail.
We like this area because there are large rock formations that you can walk in between. There are dog trainers with their dogs that you can play with as long as they are out of command. There are rock climbers that you’ll be able to watch as they climb those massive rock formations.
Ridge Trail- P10 Parking lot
If you complete the whole loop in the park, this is the last stop before you get back to the Visitor’s Center again.
This parking lot is on the right. The trail is on the left. You’ll have to cross the road once you park. We have hiked this area a few times. The trail takes you next to the Sleeping Giant rock formation. This trail can be a little tricky once you reach the ‘top’.
When you are at the beginning of the trail (trailhead), go left. Once at the ‘top’ stay to the right. (It should really be marked better up there near the rock formation.) If you follow the fencing at the top, it’ll lead you back on the trail. You’ll head back down the trail and reach the trailhead again.
We like this area because of the openness at the top. The kids like to play and climb. So does the dog. There are 2 benches to rest on, which is always nice. There is also a Geocache hidden in the parking lot area.
Siamese Twins- P14 Parking lot
This trail is crowded. Pack your patients at the top. You might be waiting in ‘line’ to get some good photos.
Once in the parking lot walk north to the trailhead. Once on the trail stay right. If you go left that is another hiking trail. You will see the huge rock formations. Walk in between them to explore more of the rocks. We have several fun photos in this area.
Once you are finished exploring and climbing on and under rocks, then make your way back toward the trail you WERE on. You want to continue taking that trail. If you take the trail to the left of the all rocks, that is Palmer Trail. That’s the wrong trail. If you are walking behind the rock formation that has a hole in it, you are on the CORRECT trail. Take this back to the parking lot.
We like this area because of all the rocks to climb on. There is even a large rock at the ‘top’ near a fence that you can crawl through…if you are a child or as small as one. Then toward the Palmer Trail there is a large section of rock that you can walk along. That’s always fun. Then taking funny photos at the rock with the hole in it.

Cabin Canyon Trail– P14 Parking lot
This is our favorite trail in the park. We wrote a whole post on it.
This trail shares the parking lot with the Siamese Twins trail.
Once you are in the parking lot walk toward the stop sign at the end of the parking lot. There is a trail on the right. Take that across the little bridge. This is where the trail starts.
The trail is about a mile long. It takes us about an hour to finish. We climb on most of the rocks. We take our time. We climb then walk a bit, then climb some more, then walk a bit. Most people finish the trail much much faster than us. Like I said, this is our favorite.
Once you get toward the end of the trail, it’ll meet up with the beginning of the Siamese Twins trail and take you back to the parking lot.
Balanced Rock- P15 Parking lot
This area is also very crowded. And you will likely wait in line to take that epic balanced rock photo. Pack your patients.
In this area you can park in the parking lot and walk along the sidewalk. You don’t have to climb any rocks, until you get to the Balanced Rock. And even if you just want a photo you can stand on the sidewalk to take it.
We like this area when it’s not crowded. You’ll be able to take a couple more epic photos when there aren’t 10 people waiting on you to move.

Upper Loop trail- P7 Parking lot
This is a very hard parking lot to get a spot. There are about 3 handicap spots and only 4 regular spots. If you see an opened spot in P6, park there and walk up the hill to this area.
This loop is fun. It has a lot of stairs. We never remember to start counting them until we are halfway finished or on our way back down. There are many steps but they are far apart enough that they don’t feel strenuous.
You can climb on these rocks. And they aren’t too steep. There are sections that are roped off that you can’t go to, but there is plenty of rocks to climb over.
We like to climb rocks so I imagine you know why we like this one so much.
Large Rocks/Overlook- P9 Parking lot
This is the area that we went to the most. The rocks are large and plenty of them to walk on that you don’t feel like you are trying to walk around people.
The parking lot is large. There is an overlook area that is breathtaking!
We like this area because of all the rocks to explore. There is a trail that runs behind all the rocks. It’s considered a ‘connecting’ trail. We’ve walked it a bit and it’s nice. In the summer, watch out for rattlesnakes. They are there, even if you can’t see them.

Giant Footprints- P11 Parking lot
This is another parking lot that is tiny with only 4 parking spots. If you can get a spot ,the rocks are awesome.
From the parking lot go straight. This meets up with the Palmer Trail, go left. Go behind the rocks. You can climb this area or walk by. But once you get to the ‘end’ there is a little cave like area that the kids had fun with it. Around the rocks (corner) is an awesome ‘canyon feel’ area, like the picture above. Then you can head back up toward the parking lot again.
This area is small but packs a big punch. We liked the fun canyon/cave like areas. And it’s a treat if we can get a parking spot!
**Related post: The complete guide to Garden of the Gods
Bonus* Best kid friendly spots Garden of the Gods
Trading Post – South Entrance
The Trading Post has a restaurant, snacks, souvenirs and a restroom. Can’t get much better than that!
The restaurant is delicious! They have outdoor dining as well. In the patio area there is a place that the kids can play in the water. It’s cute and fun.
Bonus to the bonus, there is a geocache hidden in the parking lot somewhere.
Visitor’s Center – Main Entrance
The Visitor’s Center is a great spot to check out.
You can bring your dog inside if you’d like, just not in the cafe area. You can take some epic photos outside on the balcony. There is also a place to grab a bite to eat inside.
The museum is on the second floor and is amazing. We have spent a very long time in there.
On the main level is where the movie is at and the fun life size animals.
Wrap up for the 8 best kid friendly stops at Garden of the Gods
These are the best kid friendly stops at Garden of the Gods:
- Perkins Trail- P2 Parking lot
- Ridge Trail- P10 Parking lot
- Siamese Twins- P14 Parking lot
- Cabin Canyon Trail- P14 Parking lot
- Balanced Rock- P15 Parking lot
- Upper Loop trail- P7 Parking lot
- Large Rocks/Overlook- P9 Parking lot
- Giant Footprints- P11 Parking lot
We hope you get to stop at all of them. We hope you enjoy them as much as us.
Plese let us know what your favorite spots are for your kids!
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