10 Awesome Outdoor Family Adventures To Have At Home
When we think of a family adventure we think of something away from home. But there are so many fun outdoor family adventures to have at home.
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Outdoor Family Adventures at Home:
I have listed a few ideas to help you have a great outdoor family adventures at home. Maybe it’ll spark some ideas for you to try with your family.
Camp in your backyard
Camping isn’t for everybody. Especially tent camping. We love camping. We don’t tent camp. We’ve tried it many many times. But it’s not for us. It’s why we have a camper. But if you can try it out, in the backyard, maybe it’ll be for you and you’ll love it!
Roast marshmallows and then stargaze
We love roasting marshmallows. We love s’mores. Then when the fires out, take a peek at all the stars. See which constellations you can find. Make up your own. It’s like looking at the clouds and making up funny pictures.

Not into camping… have dinner in the backyard then roast marshmallows
Can you tell we like roasting marshmallows? We’ve had dinner in the backyard a few times when we lived in Missouri. We’ve yet to have dinner in the backyard here in Colorado. I should work on that.
Have a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood
Scavenger hunts are super fun. We take turns carrying the clipboard, because let’s face it, no one wants to carry it. BUT…. if you put the list of items on the outside of a bag….total game changer! Get a brown paper bag, write the items on the outside of the bag and bam! No clipboard needed.
Paint rocks then hide them around the neighborhood
We love painting rocks. We love finding painted rocks, and we love hiding them too. It’s like treasure hunting. And when they find one, oh man the excitement the kids get, makes me excited too.
Go rollerblading/skateboarding/roller skating around the neighborhood
We always ride bikes. Most kids in the neighborhood ride their bikes too. Switch it up a little and try rollerblading. Or if your kiddo has a skateboard but only goes to the skate park, see if they want to ride around the block. It’ll also get the energy wiped right out of them.

Have a water day in the backyard
We like to turn the sprinkler on and let the kids run through that. Then we blow up some water balloons and make targets on the concert. We also fill up a bucket so they can have a water gun fight too. We recently bought a little pool to play in as well.
Catch fireflies
My inlaws have property that is tucked away in the backcounty. Fireflies visit them in the summer. The kids LOVE chasing them and putting them in jars for the night. They can now catch them without smushing them!
Play flashlight tag in the backyard
I played this as a kid all the time. My kids played it when they had friends over, in the house. It works inside and outside. Ouside you have more room, but if you lack trees (like we do in this house) then inside would be fun too.
Make a time capsule to hide in the backyard
I have tried to hide things in our backyard. Our stinkin dog ALWAYS digs it up. Ugh. But if you have a dog that is older and not into digging. Or no dog at all, then this would be great for you. Get a container, put a couple fun items in there, along with a note saying when you buried the time capsule and some fun facts about the house or neighborhood. Then put it in a plastic baggie and bury it. When the next homeowner goes to do some landscaping they’ll find an awesome treasure!!!
**Related Post: 13 super fun family outdoor adventure ideas
Wrap up
We love spending time at home. Most of the time I have at least one kid that doesn’t want to leave the house. I get creative trying to make fun games for them to play or help them come up with ways to explore the backyard.
I hope these ideas give you some more ideas to have a great outdoor family adventures at home.
When was the last time you chased fireflies? My kids are getting pretty good at catching them without smushing them in the process!