Kid friendly things to do in Green Mountain Falls
Green Mountain Falls is my FAVORITE little mountain town. David’s favorite little mountain town is Woodland Park, and that town is right next door. So we frequent this area a lot.
I could talk about this town all day. It really makes my heart full of Joy. But you are here to find some kid friendly things to do in Green Mountain Falls. So let’s get to it.
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Related Post: Fun things to do in Green Mountain Falls
Where is Green Mountain Falls?
There is the GPS way and the scenic route. I’m going to take tou the scenic route.
Take I-25 to Highway 24- West. Go past Manitou Springs until you get to the light at Fountain Ave, go left. If you go right, that’ll take you to the Library. Once on Fountain Ave you’ll get to a fork in the road. Left will take you to Pikes Peak and right will take you into Chipita Park. Go right. It’s a cute little drive along the creek and some houses. Once this road ends, go left. The road will take you into Green Mountain Falls.
Or you can type in Green Mountain Falls into your phone and that will take you another way. Probably shorter. 😉
Kid friendly things to do in Green Mountain Falls

There are miles and miles of trails to hike. Here is the hiking map of the town. You cannot park your car at the trailheads at all here. There are 3 parking lots to utilize. You will then need to hike to the trailhead. At first I found this super odd that we couldn’t park at the trail head. But once you walk around and hike the trails you’ll see why. Making parking lots would take away the town feel and beauty.
Some of the trails are thick with trees, so there are bugs. We usually get harassed by the bees. No one has gotten stung but we’ve been dive bombed a few times. I’d bring a bug and tick spray. We have the Sawyers brand. We use it allll the time and haven’t gotten a tick on us since we’ve bought it. Great product!
Walk across a waterfall
This is super neat. This hike really sealed the deal for this kids about this place. haha!
A quick story on how I came upon this gem… I have an old map of the hiking trails for Green Mountain Falls. It’s not a normal trail map that you’d find at a State Park. Someone made the map the best they could. And gave directions the best they could. Then made it into a PDF and put it on the website. I can’t find this version of the trails map anymore, but it was incredible helpful. Anyway…
So how did we find out that you can cross the waterfall…. I was looking at the map more closely and realized that there was a dotted line that went across the waterfall. I’ve seen it before but never really thought that you could actually walk across the waterfall!!!! Well you can. And if I would have paid MORE attention to the falls, there is actually a trail marker on the other side of the falls.
Yes, this is a for-real trail in this town! Looking at the map go the the Kirkpatrick trail head. Head up the mountain along the falls until you get to a fork in the trail. left will take you to the waterfall, go left. Head down to the falls, then cross! You’ll see the green dot on the left for the Kirkpatrick trail to head back up the mountain. Follow that sign!
You’ll then meet up with the Crystal Falls trail. You want to go back into town so go left, back down the mountain. Once you reach the street, that is Mountain Ave. Take that to Park Ave, which will bring you back to the lake.
Climb a waterfall
There is a place where you can climb parts of the waterfall. To access this little gem, you’ll need to hike to the Kirkpatrick trail head. Then instead of going left to start the hike, you go straight, across a little bridge. It’ll appear that you are trespassing, you are not. There is a sign reminding you to stay on the trail. Go left up the steps. Continue to climb until you get to the little pool where the waterfall trickles down the rocks.
I recommend hiking shoes that are waterproof. The rocks are slippery and water shoes just might not cut it.

Have a picnic
This is something that we do a lot. We’ll pack lunch and bring it to the lake for a picnic. We usually play on the playground, hike a trail then eat lunch. Sometimes I’ll cook a lunch on the camp stove and sometimes we’ll pack sandwiches and chips.
Fishing is something that we really enjoy. Our oldest son chooses to do that every year for his birthday. Last year he was the only one to catch a fish! The lake is stocked and there is a daily limit.

Play in the creek
This is a favorite of ours! We have explored up and down this creek. We’ve brought toys to float down the creek. Jeeps to drive across the creek and trucks that don’t make it across. So far, we haven’t lost anything yet! I do suggest to bring water shoes. If your kids are anything like mine, they will try to see how far they can jump across the creek. And there will be one kid that doesn’t make it.
Play on the playground
There are 2 playgrounds. One located near the pool and the other near the lake. The one at the lake has more playground like feel, with swings, a slide and play structure. The one near the pool is small, and only has a small play structure. There is also a basketball and tennis court, as well as a fitness court, all near the pool.

Look for wildlife
Another favorite thing for us to do while visiting. There are always deer walking around town. They don’t mind you as long as you don’t mind them. Such a fun treat to walk on the other side of the road of a deer and they just keep eating like it’s normal.
We’ve also encountered Mother Goose, Father Goose and their goslings. She’s a feisty goose. We’ve also seen a beautiful male Mallard. He was just swimming in the creek near us.
Green Mountain Falls has a public HEATED pool. The pool isn’t open very long and there is a fee. But it’s heated! That’s a win in my book!
Daily events at GreenBox
The mega list of fun things to do in Green Mountain Falls! Seriously they have events daily, multiple times a day. In June they had Children’s Camp and in July they had Littles Play. These are just for kids. They have other events that kids can go to as well, but are geared toward grown ups. Check out the list of fun things to do at the GreenBox
Wrapping up kid friendly things to do in Green Mountain Falls
In the summer, there are so many events that happen in this small little town. I highly recommend checking out GreenBox for a list of kid friendly things to do in Green Mountain Falls. If you are unable to grab tickets to an event, that’s ok because there are still lots of things to do.
I hope your kids have as much fun as mine do.
Happy Trails!