Kid friendly hike at Fountain Creek Nature Trail
We enjoyed a kid friendly hike at the Fountain Creek Nature Center. It was the middle of January when we went and the weather was perfect. Like most days here in Colorado Springs.
They have a nature center
The hiking trail is called Fountain Creek Nature Trail. I actually found this trial in a hiking book I got for Christmas a couple years back. The book is called Best Easy Day Hikes Colorado Springs. I googled the trail to see where it was at. That is how I found out that there was a Nature Center as well. (If I would have read more of the book, it gives a detailed description of the trail and it mentions the nature center)
The Fountain Creek Nature Center has several programs a month geared toward kids. They do charge a fee for the programs but not an entry fee for the nature center.
Heads up before you go
If you go to and type in Fountain Creek Nature Trail it pulls up the whole trail system. We only did the loop around the nature center. That trail is .6 miles. No dogs are aloud on this part of the trail. There are 2 other trails that vear off and dogs are allowed on that part of the trail. But you’ll see very large signs that say no dogs allowed on the loop part of the trail.
The time of year we went was in Winter. We didn’t see a creek. But there is evidence that there is one. 😉
Fountain Creek Nature Trail
As you walk toward the nature center there is a sidewalk leading down toward the trail on the right. We took that trail and it lead us to a pavilion nestled in the woods. There were large stumps in a circle that the kids were excited to walk along. Then the trail proceeds deeper into the woods. There are nature signs along the trail that educate you in the ecosystems and the wildlife habitats. As we got closer to the marsh area on the right there is an opened field and we saw a herd of deer. We stopped to observed the beautiful creatures.

We made our way down the trail some more and on either side of us was a pond. The kids were super excited to see it mostly frozen over. Then there is a fork in the road. Stay left. Right will lead you to another part of the trail that isn’t the Fountain Creek Nature Trail loop. You then come upon a Cottonwood tree. It is the most amazing tree. It’s over 150 years old. I was awestruck. I want one of those trees in my backyard! Stop and check it out.
We then followed the trail back up to the nature center. As we were making our way up there, they had just started a nature walk with a bunch of little kiddos.
I recommend taking a stroll along the dirt path at the Fountain Creek Nature Trail. While we usually are a walking loud circus while we hike, we did manage to spot some wildlife that was afraid of us. The trail is stroller friendly as well. So don’t be afraid to take a trip with the little ones.
Has anyone visited this trail in the Spring or Summer? What does that old Cottonwood tree look like then? I can’t wait to go back to check it out again!